[Draw to Purchase] Mega 400% Space Molly Return Series

[Draw to Purchase] Mega 400% Space Molly Return Series

About the product

Mega 400% Space Molly Return Series

  • Cost: $199.90 (per piece)
  • Height: Approx. 29.5cm
  • 400% blind box series
  • Comes in a case of 6pcs, or purchase 1 individual pc
  • 7 designs in total (6 normal designs + 1 secret design)
  • Not able to guarantee the design purchased as it is a blind box item

Click here to join the draw to purchase.


About Draw

What is a draw?

A draw is a competition that is decided by choosing a particular winner by chance. It allows all participants to enter without a purchase.

How does it work for this product that I am joining the draw for?

You will have to fill in the draw entry form here by 27 August, 1000 hrs.

Thereafter, winners will be selected and contacted by 27 August, 1300 hrs.

These selected winners will be given till 29 August, 2359 hrs, to purchase the product before the chance is forfeited.

Will I be contacted if I am not a winner?

Yes, you will receive an update email even if you are not a winner of this draw.

Will I be contacted for purpose that is not related to this draw?

You will only be contacted beyond purpose of this draw if you had selected the option to subscribe to ActionCity's newsletter in the form submitted.